Many insurance companies offer good-health incentives to clients. These incentives provide insurance discounts to clients who improve or maintain healthy lifestyles. Various weight loss programs are covered by these programs, providing discounts of insurance premiums and paying for a percentage of the enrollment fee or the services offered by the diet program.
Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig customizes individual programs for its clients, focusing on diet, nutrition and exercise to make permanent lifestyle changes. Forming a healthy relationship with food to accomplish permanent weight loss is the program's goal. Activity level is gradually increased as you lose weight. Each client works with a Jenny Craig consultant to create a maintenance program after losing weight. LifeMap Co. covers 30 percent of the cost of the Jenny Craig weight loss program. EmblemHealth Co. provides discounts to weight loss chains such as Jenny Craig as part of the company's Good Health Incentive.
CIGNA insurance provides health and wellness incentives with its Healthy Rewards® discount program, which offers more than 28 discounts. This program offers clients discounts for participating in the NutriSystem® weight management and nutrition program. This weight loss program offers gourmet foods delivered to your door. Programs are designed for men, women and diabetics. CIGNA’s program provides discounts for gym memberships to GlobalFit, helping clients continue leading a healthy life. Diane Wynne, the program manager for the rewards program, says CIGNA wants people to attain better health by making programs and services affordable.
Weight Watchers®
Unity Health Insurance reimburses clients who are members of the Weight Watchers® weight loss plan. According to the insurance company’s website, clients get a 50 percent discount with a six-month membership up to a one-time payment of $200 for Weight Watchers® meeting attendance. At least 10 meeting during the six-month period must be attended for the reimbursement. New and Lifetime Weight Watchers® members receive this reimbursement.
Some insurance companies cover a portion of cost of the Optifast® weight loss program. This medically supervised weight loss program is a liquid diet and supplement program that treats obesity. Some insurance companies cover the cost of Optifast® counseling sessions, labs and other tests. Optifast® clinics may provide payment plans to make up the difference of the covered portion of treatment.
Call Insurance Company
Weight loss programs covered by insurance are part of insurance companies’ health incentive programs. Call your insurance company for more information about weight loss programs that are covered because there are different stipulations as to how much of the program will be reimbursed. Policy changes may be necessary in order for the insurance company to pay for weight loss programs.
Writer Bio
Based in Tucson, Ariz., Cicely A. Richard has been writing since 1996. Her articles have been published in the “Arizona Daily Star” newspaper and “ForeWord Magazine.” Richard earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and journalism from Louisiana State University. .