Subsidized housing is any housing whose rent or mortgage payments are partly paid for by a government agency or private institution. Typically, subsidized housing is meant to reduce some of the housing costs so that eligible households with moderate or low income, those with disabilities, and the elderly can enjoy improved living conditions. Some people may refer to subsidized housing as public housing. However, it is more commonly referred to as affordable housing.
It is worth noting that the federal agency Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) considers affordable housing as housing whose occupants spend 30 percent or less of their gross income to cover its costs, including utilities.
How Subsidized Housing Works
Generally, subsidized houses are owned by private institutions, including nonprofit and for-profit organizations or individual investors. These parties will rent or sell a home to eligible people in exchange for subsidies. However, some houses will be owned and operated by the government.
The subsidization may take place through grants, housing vouchers, home loan interest deduction, rental subsidies and tax credits. However, you must meet the basic eligibility criteria set by the private or federal agency providing the subsidies, and you may also be required to meet the financial criteria in your state.
Subsidized Housing Requirements
Your annual income significantly affects your eligibility as far as subsidized housing is concerned.
Typically, the HUD determines the income limits for subsidized housing. These limits depend on the median family income as well as the fair market rent areas in each locale. Also, your household size will determine the income limits. Typically, if your household income is 30 to 80 percent of the area median income (AMI), you may be eligible for subsidized or public housing.
Also, depending on the subsidized housing program and location, your household may need to have at least one eligible person who is 55 to 62 years for you to be considered eligible. In addition, if someone has a record of a mental or physical disability that substantially limits them from engaging in one or more life activities, their impairment may qualify your household for subsidized housing.
Subsidized Housing Application Process
The easiest way for renters to get access to subsidized housing in your locale is to contact your state’s public housing authority and ask how to apply. Then, find out if you are eligible for any of the assistance programs and complete a written application offline or online. The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland emphasizes that you should provide all the required documentation and accurate information before submitting the application.
After that, keep track of the application process until you receive feedback. Remember, though, that you may be put on a waitlist and have to wait for a long while. Once you reach the top of the waitlist, your information will be verified, and if you qualify, you will get access to affordable housing. However, your application for housing assistance may be rejected.
Types of Subsidized Housing Programs
Several types of housing programs exist, including the following.
Public Housing
Public housing units of this kind are owned and operated by the state or federal government, so they tend to have low housing costs.
Housing Choice Voucher Program
Formerly known as Section 8, the HUD program helps very low-income families rent or purchase a decent, safe and sanitary home available in the private market. You have some flexibility concerning where to stay as long as the housing meets HUD standards.
Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)
If you qualify for the PBRA program, HUD will contract landlords who will rent you a home in exchange for subsidies paid to them directly. However, you will be limited to a specific location.
Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP)
The program involves public and private grants being given to nonprofit organizations that then purchase sites for homes. If you come from a low-income family and are eligible, you will be required to partner with the nonprofit and put in significant sweat equity to construct or rehabilitate the accommodations, which will then be made available to you at below-the-market prices.
Section 42 Tax Credit Program
As the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority explains, this program is also known as a rental housing tax credit or low-income housing tax credit program. It enables developers of subsidized housing to obtain tax credit. In exchange for providing affordable housing, the developer must keep their units rent-restricted and maintain safe, sanitary, and decent living conditions.
Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
The IRS provides one of the largest housing subsidies. Currently, you are allowed to deduct mortgage interest for the first $750,000 of debt you take out for qualified homes when filing jointly or half that if filing separately. The qualified home includes a primary or second home that may be a standard house or condo, boat, mobile home, cooperative or house trailer.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Glossary of Terms to Affordable Housing
- HUD User: Income Limits
- The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland: How Do I Apply for Subsidized Housing?
- National Housing Law Project: Understanding Project-Based Rental Assistance
- Connecticut Housing Finance Authority: Section 42 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit FAQ for Residents and Applicants
- IRS: Publication 936 (2022), Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
Writer Bio
I hold a BS in Computer Science and have been a freelance writer since 2011. When I am not writing, I enjoy reading, watching cooking and lifestyle shows, and fantasizing about world travels.