Businesses are often looking for tax breaks. A common way to reduce taxable income is through charitable deductions. Not only is the business giving back to the community, but they are also saving on their taxes. If you are in need of a car donation for your non-profit charity, consider contacting local businesses with a donation proposal. It is important that your proposal clearly state the organization and how the donation will be used.
Locate businesses in your area. Search businesses nearby that you think would be interested in donating a car to charity. Obtain contact information such as the phone number and address for each business.
Call the businesses. Contact the business to find out if they are interested in contributing a charitable vehicle donation to a non-profit charity. You will need to explain the charity you are working on behalf of and how the donation will benefit others. Notify the business that you would like to follow-up with an official proposal. Verify the mailing address before ending the phone call.
Write the proposal for a car donation on the charity's official letterhead. You want the proposal to look professional. Briefly provide a short summary about the charity and their efforts. Include information about how the donations are used and how the charity helps. Directly propose your request for a donation. Specify any criteria you have for the vehicle donation. It is important to provide the charity's official name and Tax Identification Number for the business's records.
Mail the proposal to the business. If you do not receive a response within a couple weeks, contact the business with a follow-up phone call.
Arrange for the vehicle to be picked up or brought to the charity. When the car is collected, provide the business with a receipt of their donation.
- Love to Know: Non Profit Donation Request Letter Sample
- Internal Revenue Service. "2015 Tax Changes Include: Key Benefits Renewed; A New Way to Save for Retirement; New Accounts for People With Disabilities; Health Care Updates." Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 590-B: Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)," Page 13. Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 526: Charitable Contributions," Page 3. Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 5307: Tax Reform Basics for Individuals and Families," Page 4. Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "IRS Provides Tax Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year 2020." Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Retirement Topics: Required Minimum Distribution." Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "About Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc." Accessed March 21, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 526: Charitable Contributions," Page 19. Accessed March 21, 2020.
Writer Bio
Jeannine Mancini, a Florida native, has been writing business and personal finance articles since 2003. Her articles have been published in the Florida Today and Orlando Sentinel. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Central Florida.