Many people are bothered by promotional offers hitting their mail and email boxes. But promotional materials can offer valuable information and savings opportunities. To start receiving discounts, promotions, coupons and information, you must join a company's mailing list. You can start receiving mail from numerous companies at once by getting added to a list broker's mailing list, or you can join only lists that interest you.
Submit your information for inclusion on lists for credit card pre-approval and insurance offers. Credit card companies get your credit information from the three major credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. These companies also release your information to insurance companies. To start receiving this type of mail, maintain a decent credit score and opt-in for inclusion on these types of lists. You can opt-in, even if you've previously opted-out, by going to the OptOutPrescreen website and select the option to "Opt-in." Then enter your full name, address, Social Security number and date of birth in the corresponding fields.
Add yourself to the mailing lists of popular list brokers such as Valpak, Direct Marketing Association, Valassis and Publishers Clearinghouse. These companies send out coupons and other advertisements to consumers for their clients. Contact each company by mail, email or phone to get added to their mailing list. You will need your full name and address.
Sign up for rewards cards and credit cards at your favorite stores. Once the store has your information, they will send you notices of upcoming sales and promotions. You can also sign up for mailing lists offered by websites. Websites will require your email address to send the mailing list to you. Many brick-and-mortar stores will also send promotions and other information to your email.
Writer Bio
Si Kingston has been an online content contributor since 2004, with work appearing on websites such as MadeMan. She is a professional screenwriter and young-adult novelist and was awarded the Marion-Hood Boesworth Award for Young Fiction in 2008. Kingston holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mills College.