Retaining copies of all documentations related to obtaining credit is extremely important. Credit card applications contain important information about both the applicant and the company in question. The information contained on a credit card application may be needed later for divorce cases, bankruptcy filing, or credit disputes. If you have not retained a copy of your applications for credit it is possible to request copies directly from the creditor.
Call your credit card companies application status department. They will be able to provide you with the information needed to request a copy of a credit card application. Depending on the credit card company in question an information request form will be mailed, emailed, or faxed to you. Be sure to document the time and date of your conversation with the credit card company along with the name of the individual you speak to.The information request form must be completed and signed prior to receiving a copy of your credit card application since it will be used to verify your identity.
Return information request forms by mail using a delivery confirmation service. Avoid faxing or emailing sensitive information especially if you need the documents quickly. When emailing or faxing documents to a large company it is not unusual for them to become lost. Mailing the forms using delivery confirmation will let you track the progress of your request and, if signature receipt is requested, you will know exactly who received your request form.
Call your credit card company to find out when you should expect to receive the copy of your credit card application. It can take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks for documents to be mailed to your address. If the copies are needed quickly you may have the option of paying for express delivery.
Write a letter requesting the status of your credit card application copy if it has not been received after 30 days. In your letter reference your previous calls and the date your original request documentation was received by the credit card company. There are some situations where copies of original credit card applications are lost and credit card companies will not want to admit their error. This is especially true in situations where bankruptcy or fraudulent use is involved and the credit card company many need to prove that you did request the line of credit in question.0
Writer Bio
Tameka McSpadden is a freelance writer with several years of professional experience. With both a Bachelor of Science in health care management and an associate degree in business administration from Bellevue University, McSpadden enjoys writing about all medical topics. She is currently preparing for a literary agency internship in North Georgia while attending various writing workshops.