How to Receive a Tax Credit for a New Metal Roof

Consumers are choosing metal roofing over standard roofing materials. Industry experts estimate between 5 and 8 million homes in the U.S. have metal roofing. Metal roofing is growing in popularity as color, durability, fire safety and overall style has increased product demand. Metal roofing can last maintenance free for up to 50 years. To decrease the upfront expense of purchasing and installing your new metal roof, look for energy efficient materials. The government is encouraging the purchase of "green building" materials by offering a large tax credit for new metal roofing purchases. Encouraging product purchases that use the latest energy conservation materials will decrease the energy consumption for the entire nation.

Consider the savings available from the energy efficient metal roofing tax credit before purchasing new metal roofing material. If you are deciding between an energy efficient roofing material and a standard roofing material based on cost, choosing the correct energy efficient model will save you much more money in the long run. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 offers energy efficient tax credits for 30 percent of the total cost of new energy efficient products up to a maximum level of $1,500. For example, approved energy efficient materials costing $3,500 will be eligible for a $1,050 tax credit; 30 percent of $3,500. Any costs that exceed $5,000 will be subject to the maximum eligible level tax credit of $1,500. If a $7,000 unit is purchased, it will still be subject to the $1,500 limit, even though 30 percent of $7,000 is $2,100.

Choose new metal roofing material that meets the energy efficient requirements outlined by the U.S. Government. Products with the Energy Star seal are all eligible for this tax savings. Energy Star roofing products are designed to reflect sunlight to cool the surface of the roof. The cooler the roof, the less heat is absorbed into the home through the roof. Energy Star roofing reduces the need for air conditioning and reduces the cost of your energy bill. Lowering your energy use also helps the environment. The more you decrease your energy consumption, the less fossil fuel is burned by utility industry to create electricity.

Purchase and install your new energy efficient central new metal roofing material. Save all receipts and records on the purchase of new metal roofing material. The IRS recommends saving the Manufacturers Certification Statement. The government encourages manufacturers to supply this certificate with all products that meet the tax credit requirements. This certification should be included with your purchase. If not, request one from your vendor. The Internal Revenue Service will not require the certificate to be filed with taxes. The certificate ensures you have purchased the correct product to qualify for the tax credit savings.

File for tax rebate using IRS Tax Form 5695. This form will not be available until the end of the 2009 tax year. The energy efficient tax rebate should be claimed when filing taxes. This is a particularly valuable tax savings. Tax credits are a substantially better benefit than tax deductions. A tax credit of $1,500 will actually lower your taxes by $1,500. Expenses eligible for a tax deduction of $1,500 will only result in a small portion of the $1,500 to be returned to the consumer. For example, if you are in the 28 percent tax bracket, you will only receive a credit for 28 percent of $1,500.

Enjoy your maintenance free roof, your tax savings and your decreased cooling costs. Using less energy is better for the health of our environment. Continue to look for energy efficient products for your building and remodeling needs.


  • This energy tax credit replaces previous tax credits allowable as set in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The old policy limited the energy efficient tax credit to a maximum of $500. The new tax credit limit was increased to $1,500.


  • This report is meant to serve as a general guideline. Always consult with a tax professional to receive the most up to date tax information.