For citizens who are in need of financial assistance, there are a vast amount of grants available from private foundations and charitable groups. Whether the funding is needed for basic survival, research, education or any other verifiable purpose, there are various options for those in need of financial assistance through private foundations.
The Ford Foundation
Partnering with innovative leaders of social change around the globe, The Ford Foundation has diligently worked to complete and expand upon their mission to bring forth positive social change. In efforts to create and promote social, economical, and political systems to enhance peace and the human welfare of our environment, the foundation provides grants and loans to organizations and networks that promote social and political improvement in people's lives. The Ford Foundation awards an estimated 2,000 grants per year, and as of 2010 has distributed over $15.6 billion in grant awards worldwide.
Ford Foundation 320 East 43rd Street New York, N.Y. 10017 USA 212-573-5000 fordfoundation.org
Glaser Family Progress Foundation
The Glaser Family Progress Foundation is based in Seattle, Washington. iT focuses of on four major areas of grant distribution including measurement of human progress, animal advocacy, promotion of independent media, and global HIV/AIDS research and treatment. Since it was established by CEO Ron Glaser in 1993, The Glaser Family foundation has distributed well over $24 million for benevolent purposes.
Glaser Family Progress Foundation 2601 Elliott Ave, Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98121 206-728-1050 glaserfoundation.org
National Goegraphic Society
The National Geographic Society has a great interest in assisting educators in teaching K-12 students in areas of cultural diversity and understanding. The foundation awards over five million dollars each year, in $500 grants, to help teachers enhance classroom studies related to geography education and community or cultural awareness. The foundation supports the advancement of education for teachers with various programs that provide virtual teacher workshops and pre-service workshops for aspiring social studies teachers.
National Geographic Society 1145 17th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 800-647-5463 Outside USA and Canada 813-979-6845
Writer Bio
Michelle Renee is a professional trainer and quality assurance consultant in the career, education and customer service industries, with two decades of experience in food/beverage and event coordinating management. Renee has been published by Lumino and Career Flight as well as various food, education and business publications.