Union Plus Credit Cards have an easy way to make payments. You can mail in your payment after receiving the monthly statement or you can make payments online. When you make payments online, it will post to your account with 1 or 2 days. If you mail your payment, it could take as much as 1 week for the credit card company to receive it and process it. You can also make a payment over the phone and pay with a bank account.
Make a Payment Online
Pay your Union Plus Credit Card online. Sign up for online access. You will need to enter a user name and password. Enter your account number, name, address and city, state and zip code. You will have to be approved for this service, so plan ahead. Do not wait until the day the payment is due to sign up for access.
Make your monthly payments by returning to the website when you receive an online monthly statement. Enter your user name and password. This will take you to your account where you will see your monthly statement and how much the minimum payment is for this billing cycle.
Select "Pay this bill." You will be directed to another page where you will confirm your bank account information and the total you intend to pay. If you are paying a smaller amount, enter that total in the "Amount to Pay" box.
Confirm the total you wish to pay and click the Submit button and wait for a confirmation number. Only click once and wait. Never click the back button or the refresh button during this process. It may take a few minutes to register.
Print out your confirmation number and payment page and attach it to your monthly statement. You are done paying your Union Plus Credit Card.
Pay your Union Plus Credit Cards through the mail. After receiving the monthly statement in the mail, write out your check for the amount you wish to pay. Place the bottom portion of the billing statement in the envelope along with your check. Make sure to enter the amount you are paying in the box that says "Payment Amount."
Pay your Union Plus Credit Cards on the phone. Dial the 800 number on your monthly statement. Follow the automated prompts. You will be asked for your account number and the last four digits of your social security number.
Enter the amount you are paying on your bill and press Star. Then confirm what you have entered after it is repeated to you.
Enter your bank account information when prompted, then press Star. You will then be asked for your account number. Press Star after entering your account number. Wait for your confirmation number and write it down on your monthly statement. You will then be instructed to hang up or make another transaction.
Always have all your information in front of you when making a payment online or on the phone.
Always get your confirmation number for your records.
- Always have all your information in front of you when making a payment online or on the phone.
- Always get your confirmation number for your records.
Writer Bio
Pamela Gardapee is a writer with more than seven years experience writing Web content. Being functional in finances, home projects and computers has allowed Gardapee to give her readers valuable information. She studied accounting, computers and writing before offering her tax, computer and writing services to others.