Individuals visit pawn shops for various reasons, including selling items, appraising valuables and finding a great deal on a pawned treasure. While buying and selling a pawned item are rather straightforward transactions, pawning an item for a temporary loan requires a basic understanding of the contractual issues involved, one of which is the grace period.
Industry Overview
Pawn shops have filled a niche in the banking and credit world for centuries. Whether acting as temporary lenders or purchasing goods outright from customers, pawn shops provide a service to those in need of quick cash and those looking for a deal. Regulation of the industry began in earnest in the late 1800s as states and local authorities tried to establish ground rules for the operation of pawn shops.
Grace Period
Essentially, a pawn broker holds a customer’s pawned item for a specified period of time as long as monthly storage fees and interest payments are paid as agreed. Once a customer misses a payment, the pawn shop holds the item for a specified time, known as a grace period, before taking formal ownership of the item. Grace periods offer customers a chance to get their pawned item back when they fail to make a monthly payment.
The length of the grace period varies by pawn shop and is regulated by state laws. For instance, Texas requires a minimum 30-day grace period, though individual pawn shops may elect to provide customers with a longer grace period. Any extensions to grace periods granted by the pawn shop should be documented in writing to prevent confusion.
Regulations to protect consumers from predatory practices continue to evolve along with the pawn industry. Customers should get all agreements in writing and pay attention to the fine print when conducting business with any company, including a pawn shop. This also applies to changes to the original contract, such as an extension of the loan due date. Take note of any additional interest charges associated with due date changes or grace period extensions.
Writer Bio
Nicole Long is a freelance writer based in Cincinnati, Ohio. With experience in management and customer service, business is a primary focus of her writing. Long also has education and experience in the fields of sports medicine, first aid and coaching. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of Cincinnati.