Several government and nonprofit agencies in Michigan provide low-income seniors help to make improvements to their homes. These grants and low-cost loans help seniors make emergency repairs, accessibility modifications and general upgrades to their homes. You must meet the income-limit level requirements to qualify for help. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has a list of the income-limit levels for your county on its website.
Home Improvement Loan
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority provides low-interest loans for low-income families to make home improvements. Seniors with annual incomes at or below $65,000 are eligible for a home improvement loan. Seniors with a credit score of 660 can get a loan up to $50,000 with an interest rate of 8 percent. The senior has up to 20 years to repay the loan with no annual or early payoffs fees. Eligible home improvements include roof repair or replacement, air conditioning and furnace replacement or kitchen or bathroom remodelling. Owners of manufactured homes can apply to borrow up to $17,500 to make improvements to their property.
City of Detroit Emergency Home Repair
Th city of Detroit Planning and Development Department offers emergency home repair grants to seniors aged 65 and older or people 55 or older with disabilities. The senior can qualify for a grant up to $12,000 to correct health and safety deficiencies on his property. To qualify for a grant, the homeowner must have income at or below 5 percent of Detroit's median income. He must also own and occupy the home that needs repair. Eligible repairs include repairing electrical, structural or plumbing systems. Seniors who have received the grant in the past are ineligible for future funding.
Canton Christmas in Action
Christmas in Action, a nonprofit organization, provides free repairs to low-income seniors in Wayne County. Every year on the last Saturday in April, Christmas in Action volunteers go into the community and make the repairs. Typical repairs include roof and electrical replacement, plumbing repair or pouring a new driveway. Volunteers also help with exterior painting, gardening and raking yards. Only single-family homeowners are eligible for help through this program. The senior must be able to demonstrate a lack of financial or physical means to complete the repairs on her own.
Home Repair Services
Home Repair Services is a nonprofit organization in Grand Rapids that helps low-income seniors make repairs to their homes. Seniors aged 60 and over with incomes at or below 50 percent of the area's median income are eligible to receive help with emergency repairs. Home Repair Services also helps find and seal air leaks which helps saves senior money on their utility bills. The Home Access Ramps Program helps seniors install wheelchair ramps, bathroom grab bars and handrails on their property. The senior is charged a small co-payment for the modification work. You must live in Kent county to receive Home Repair Services help. You must also own and live in the home that needs repairs to qualify for help.
Writer Bio
Davina Price has been writing since 2003, specializing in grant and technical writing for government and nonprofit organizations. She currently is a licensed real-estate agent in Southern California and specializes in working with first-time home buyers. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from the University of Southern California.