You can make payments for your Home Shopping Network credit card the same way you make payments for any other card. Companies that offer branded credit cards aren’t the banks that lend you the money – they simply promote cards for banks and offer their customers and followers extra perks. You can pay your card online, by phone or by mail, according to the instructions on the HSN website.
Read More: Credit Cards: How Do They Work?
Branded Credit Cards
Credit cards are part of card networks, like Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diner’s Club and American Express. Different banks work with these credit card processors to offer cards. Many businesses – including nonprofits – offer branded credit cards, allowing a bank to use the business’s logo, goodwill and customer or follower base to sign up new card users.
Depending on the branded card, customers get different benefits. With an HSN credit card (issued by Comenity Bank), for example, you can get extra flex payments on HSN purchases, receive exclusive savings offers, get VIP financing and rewards and receive special event invitations.
Pay Your Bill Online
The HSN credit card payment directions for paying online are as follows:
Visit the HSN card payment area to start the HSN credit card login process.
- Log in to the Account Management area using your user ID and password.
- Choose the “Pay Online” button or link.
- Read HSN’s terms and click “I Agree” to proceed.
- Enter your bank routing and account numbers if you haven’t set this up in your account already.
- Choose your payment amount and date.
- Submit your payment.
If you haven’t set up your online access, you’ll need to do so first. You can also set up autopayments for your card.
Be aware that payments submitted after 8 p.m. will be credited the next day, causing you to miss your payment due date if your payment was due the day you are making this payment.
Pay HSN Card by Phone
Making your payment by phone will cost you a fee, which will be disclosed at the time you begin this process, according to the HSN website. The HSN website directions for paying by phone are as follows:
- Call 888-724-6649 if you wish to make a payment for an HSN Card.
- Call 866-702-9947 if you wish to make a payment for an HSN Mastercard.
- Call 888-819-1918 to pay using the TDD/TTY option.
- Follow the prompts to make a payment by phone.
Read More: How Issuing Banks Benefit From Credit Cards
Pay by Mail
You can pay using a paper check or money order. If you receive paper statements, enclose the payment panel portion of your statement and use the enclosed envelope. Add a stamp, seal the envelope, put your return address in the upper left-hand side of the envelope on the front and put the letter in the mail.
If you do not have a pre-addressed envelope, don’t use the return address you see on your statement envelope (the one that came in the mail to you). That’s not the payment processing address. If you are addressing an envelope, use: Comenity Capital Bank, P.O. Box 659707, San Antonio, TX, 78265.
- HSN does charge an online fee to make a payment on the same day it is due. It's best to make sure your payment is set up with a few days to spare.
Writer Bio
Steve Milano has written more than 1,000 pieces of personal finance and frugal living articles for dozens of websites, including Motley Fool, Zacks, Bankrate, Quickbooks, SmartyCents, Knew Money, Don't Waste Your Money and Credit Card Ideas, as well as his own websites.