Use spare change to make purchases the same way you would use paper currency. Different combinations of coins can equal various amounts. You can even use coins to teach children money value for an enlightening, hands-on lesson. For example, make .55 (55 cents) with quarters, dimes and nickels. Depending on how many of each coin you use, you can equal the same amount in several different ways.
Place one quarter on a table to equal 25 cents. Add two nickels to the quarter to equal 35 cents. Add two dimes to the other coins to equal 55 cents.
Start with one quarter on a table to equal 25 cents. Add four nickels to the quarter to equal 45 cents. Add one dime to the other coins to equal 55 cents.
Begin with one quarter. Add six nickels to the quarter to equal 55 cents or add three dimes to the quarter to equal the same sum.
Start with two quarters, equaling 50 cents. Add one nickel to the quarters to equal 55 cents. You could also place 11 nickels out or five dimes and one nickel to equal 55 cents.
Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.