You don't need to submit original invoices when you file your taxes. The Internal Revenue Service may need to see your invoices and other records if any discrepancies or issues arise, but the originals aren't required. The IRS also accepts electronic documentation, including scanned copies.
Maintaining Records
The IRS recommends maintaining records of your invoices and receipts to support the information in your record books. Although you won't necessarily need to show the invoices or other documents, the IRS may request to see your books if you're audited.
Period of Limitations
You must keep the invoices and other documents that support income or a deduction until the period of limitations runs out. The period of limitations is the number of years you have to amend a return or the IRS has to assess additional taxes. For example, if you owe additional taxes, the period of limitations is three years. If the IRS finds a substantial error in your taxes and conducts an audit, it can go back further. According to the IRS, they generally won't go back more than six years. Fox Business recommends maintaining tax records and all supporting documents for four years if you live in a state that assesses an income tax.
Writer Bio
Jeannine Mancini, a Florida native, has been writing business and personal finance articles since 2003. Her articles have been published in the Florida Today and Orlando Sentinel. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Central Florida.