How to Record Owner's Capital in QuickBooks

How to Record Owner's Capital in QuickBooks
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Owner's capital includes any of the investments, profits, retained earnings and other funds that belong to the company owner. When recording owner's capital, you can use a special account called an Owner's Equity account to track all related transactions. If you need to pay yourself or another owner for funds taken from the general business assets, you can use the Owner's Draw account to record any transactions. By keeping owner information separate from general company finances, it makes it easier to prepare taxes and track expenses and income.

Record Investments

Click the "Banking" menu and select "Make Deposits."

Click "Cancel" to deposit only the investment check into the owner's equity account.

Choose the "Deposit To" drop-down menu, and select the checking account to deposit the money into.

Provide the name of the person, a memo and the total of the deposit in the Received From, Memo and Amount columns.

Click the "From Account" drop-down list and select "Owner's Equity."

Click "Save & Close" to record the investment.

Record Payment

Click the "Banking" menu and select "Write Checks."

Select the bank account you want to use to pay the owner from the "Bank Account" drop-down menu.

Click the "Pay to the Order Of" field, and select the owner's name.

Access the "Expenses" tab. Select the "Owner's Draw" account from the "Account" drop-down list.

Click "Save & Close" to record the payment to the owner.


  • Information in this article applies to QuickBooks Premiere and Enterprise 2013. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.