A high involvement purchase exists when a consumer has to buy a product or service that is expensive or that poses the risk of significant emotional consequences if a mistake is made. When a consumer engages in a complex or involving buying process, his behaviors are typically different than they are in a less involving situation.
High involvement purchases are those that are expensive, very important or emotionally significant to the buyer. Consumers stress over such purchases since the consequences are higher if they make the wrong decision.
High Involvement Factors
The importance of a product or service to the buyer, or the emotional significance of the purchase, correlate directly with the level of involvement. When you buy expensive products, relative to your budget, the decision is normally highly involving because of the risks of making a bad purchase. Social and personal risks play a role as well. When buying clothes, for instance, fitting in and appearing sociable is important to many consumers. This factor makes clothing purchase involving for such buyers.
High Involvement Examples
While individual budgets impact the level of involvement, some products or services are fairly involving for the vast majority of consumers. Houses, cars, and major equipment or appliances are usually involving for most because of the expense and importance of these items to the purchaser. Services such as roofing, lawn care and child care are also involving for many buyers because of the cost and importance. By contrast, products like candy, toothpaste and paper towels are normally less involving because of their low cost and limited emotional risk.
The Buying Process
The consumer decision-making process is affected when a product purchase is more involving as well. In particular, the information search phase is extended because most people want to be certain they're making the right decision. This stage follows need recognition. Once you realize you need or want something, you search for information, formulate options, and evaluate the options to narrow them down. In a more involving decision, you tend to spend much more time researching. This research may include online searches for reviews and consumer opinions, calls to friends or family and time interacting with sales and service employees at companies.
Risks and Rewards
Ultimately, buyers want to get the greatest rewards and minimize the potential for negative outcomes in a highly involved purchase. A successful purchase can lead to maximum personal or professional gains from the use of the product or service, and to long-lasting results. A bad purchase leads to wasted money, negative impressions in social or professional groups and the need to purchase another solution to better meet your needs.
Writer Bio
Neil Kokemuller has been an active business, finance and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. He has been a college marketing professor since 2004. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in marketing, retail and small business. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.