Although dental veneers provide a noticeable cosmetic improvement to your smile, your insurance company may be hesitant to provide financial support for this procedure if the specific instance is elective in nature. In a situation where you teeth may have been damaged in an accident or have been removed due to oral health issues, received veneers is much more likely to be covered by your insurance.
If your current health insurance does not provide the level of dental coverage you need to receive subsidized veneers, you may need to purchase a more extensive dental insurance program for the future.
Replacement Veneers Coverage
Depending upon your specific history with dental veneers, you may be able to convince your insurance company to invest in the process. Particularly if you are in the process of replacing older veneers, insurance companies are much more likely to cover the procedure than if you're seeking an initial placement of veneers that aren't medically necessary.
Whether or not your veneers are covered by insurance will depend upon a large number of factors. That being said, you can use a few simple steps to begin making the appropriate requests and secure the best chances for getting this valuable procedure covered by your health insurance.
Engaging in Early Research
A simple internet search will help you determine whether or not your health insurance company has a history of covering dental veneers procedures. If, for example, your insurance company offers full coverage dental plans, the possibility exists that you may be able to receive financial subsidies. The more information you can collect on your insurance company's track record for veneer payments, the better chances you have of receiving coverage for the procedure. This is particularly true if you can prove that your veneers are contributing to your general wellbeing and improved health or are part of an essential procedure due to oral health issues.
Finding Full Coverage Dental Plans
As mentioned previously, some insurance companies will not cover the initial veneer procedure but will help pay for replacement veneers. In a situation such as this, you may be in luck if your current request involves replacing older veneers. However, your situation may not have improved at all if this is your first time receiving this cosmetic service. As can be seen from this example, determining when you can obtain veneers covered by insurance involves many different parameters.
If your current health insurance program refuses to cover your dental veneer procedure, you may consider finding new dental insurance that covers everything in the near future. There are a number of dental insurance services today that provide full coverage for veneers. Although you may be required to pay a higher premium to gain access to this level of support, it could easily be worth your premium payments to receive this level of coverage. Of course, such decisions are entirely up to you and will be significantly influenced by your current financial health and your long-term insurance needs.
Exploring Your Options
Before you begin to research new dental insurance options, it is worth your time to consult with your current healthcare provider first, particularly if you have a long track-record with them. Although your dental veneers may not receive the level of coverage you would prefer, there may be ample reason to continue using the same insurance provider and simply pay out-of-pocket for this procedure.
As always, thorough research will help you determine what specifically you should look for if you decide to seek out a new health insurance provider or dental insurance company. In the best case scenario, you will be able to find some method for receiving financial assistance from your current provider. Your dental veneers will help you present a polished smile to the public. With some research and patience, you should be able to find an insurance company willing to help you pay for them.
Writer Bio
Ryan Cockerham is a nationally recognized author specializing in all things innovation, business and creativity. His work has served the business, nonprofit and political community. Ryan's work has been featured at Zacks Investment Research, SFGate Home Guides, Bloomberg, HuffPost and more.