Marriage can be a juggling act for couples. Newlyweds who are attending school while trying to adjust to married life face additional challenges. While there are not many grants designated specifically for newly married couples, there are funds set aside to help married couples in general.
The federal government is a source of funding for school. For example, the U.S. Department of Education funds federal Pell Grants, which are worth up to $5,550 annually, as of the 2011 academic year. Newlywed students often face a greater financial burden for school since they are usually younger and haven't had time to save. At the same time, they are met with educational and living costs. Since Pell Grants are assigned based on need, this situation works to get the most funding possible.
Schools attended by newlyweds are also a potential resource for funding. Universities have a range of funding that meet the needs of individual students, as well as couples. A married person could potentially qualify for any need-based school funding. In addition, there are grants and scholarships that give preference to married students. For example, Idaho State University funds the Carl K. Davis Scholarship, which is awarded to married students who plan to attend law school.
If either newlywed is a minority, she may qualify for grants awarded to minority students. Minority students may be of ethnic descent, a woman or have a disability. For example, Atlanta's Agnes Scott College funds tuition for Hispanic women through the Goizueta Foundation Scholarship. The American Council of the Blind provides financial assistance to visually impaired undergraduate and graduate students.
Armed Forces
Branches of the U.S. Armed Forces look out for the financial interests of both their members and spouses. For example, the U.S. Navy provides funding through the Spouse Tuition Aid Program, which awards up to $1,750 per academic year to spouses of military service people serving overseas. The Air Force offers financial assistance through the need-based General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program. Worth up to $2,000, it is awarded to spouses as well as children of active or deceased Air Force members.
Writer Bio
Julia Forneris has been a writer and editor since 2002. Her work has appeared in economics magazines such as "Region Focus" and on various websites. The editor of Scratch That! Editorial, Forneris holds a Master of Arts in literature from Virginia Commonwealth University.