As a former addict, you may have previously made a disaster out of your finances. Savings and any income you earned may have been wasted on drugs to support your addiction. Once you have gotten your life together, grant money may be available to you to help you stay sober and get on your feet financially. These grant programs may help pay for housing, job placement, education and rehabilitation costs.
Rehabilitation Aid
Former addicts who need help paying for rehabilitation can apply for various funding options. For example, a U.S. military veteran is eligible to receive money to help pay for rehabilitation services associated with drug and alcohol addiction through the Veterans Alcohol and Drug Dependence Rehabilitation Program. Therapy costs, medications and psychiatric care are all covered under this program. Services must be obtained from a VA medical center.
Housing Aid
If you need housing assistance after recovering from drug abuse, you can apply for grants that help you find housing options. For instance, homeless people who suffer with disabilities like drug and alcohol addiction are eligible for the Shelter Plus Care grant program. You must not have a place to live and also have chronic issues with drugs and alcohol to be considered for the grant, which offers rental assistance and helps pay for rehabilitative care for your addiction. The grant is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
College Funding
Former addicts younger than 28 who commit to abstain from drugs and alcohol for their lifetimes are eligible for the Hope for Addiction program. Award amounts are for $1,000 and can be used toward college, vocational school or trade school. To apply, you must provide details about your addiction and be clean for at least one year.
Job Placement
Sober houses and halfway houses receive public and private funding to help recovering addicts find work as part of their rehabilitation. Programs that offer these types of services include Crossroads in Maine and Trinity Health in Michigan.
Writer Bio
Heather Topham Wood is a seasoned writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications, including USA Today, Gadgetell, Feel Rich and Step in Style. Heather is a published novelist with six Amazon bestsellers and a contract through Crescent Moon Press. She holds a bachelor's degree in English from TCNJ.