Professional money managers recommend that every time you make a purchase using a checking account that you fill out your check book accordingly to keep track of those expenditures. They further recommend filling out a check book for each deposit you make into your checking account. Properly filling out a check book does take time. And everyone seems to do it in different ways.
Write a check by using a check from your check book. Write today's date in the line for date, write the name of the person or organization to whom you're writing the check in the "Pay to the Order Of" line, write the amount of the check in the box with the dollar sign, write out the amount in alphabetic word form in the "Dollars" line, sign your name on the line on the bottom right hand corner and write why the check is written in the "Memo" line in the bottom left hand corner.
Note the number of the check you are writing and write that number in the next available line in the check registry book in your check book. Write the date you wrote on the check in the date line on the check reigstry book, write a description of the check in the registry along with the amount the check was for. Some people also include specific information like any transaction codes or authorization numbers on this line, too.
Use a deposit slip from the back of your check book when you want to make a deposit to your account. Fill out the date of the deposit, the numbers on any checks that you are depositing on the "Check" lines of your deposit slip, the amounts of any checks and the amounts of any cash. Add up the entire deposit and put that amount on the "Subtotal" line. Write the amount of cash back you are receiving and sign the "Signature" line, if you want cash back. Then subtract the amount of cash back from the "Subtotal" line and enter that total on the "Total" line. This is the final amount for your deposit.
Fill out another line in your check book anytime you make a deposit to your account. Write the date of the deposit, where the money came from and the amount of the deposit.
Update the balance on your check book after each withdrawal or deposit to your checking account. This gives you an accurate depiction of how much money you have in your checking account.
- National Credit Union Administration. "Understanding a Check and Balancing a Checkbook." Accessed June 4, 2020.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "I Received a Check Where the Words and the Numbers for the Amount Are Different." Accessed June 4, 2020.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Can a Bank or Credit Union Cash a Post-Dated Check Before the Date on the Check?" Accessed June 4, 2020.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "My Bank/Credit Union Cashed a Post-Dated Check Even Though I Told Them About the Post-Dated Check Before They Received It." Accessed June 4, 2020.
- Department of the Treasury. "U.S. Treasury Check Security Features." Accessed June 4, 2020.
- Federal Reserve Consumer Help. "Can a Bank Refuse to Cash My Check?" Accessed June 4, 2020.
- Georgia Department of Banking and Finance. "Check Fraud / Counterfeit Checks." Accessed June 4, 2020.
- American Bankers Association. "ABA Routing Number." Accessed June 4, 2020.