If you've recently upgraded your television set or replaced it entirely with a computer-and-monitor setup, you don't have to hang onto the old TV any longer. And you don't have to discard it if it is still in good working order. Many organizations accept used, fairly modern TVs that are in working condition; check with your favorite local organizations to avoid the expense of shipping the TV. Keeping your donation local also supports organizations and individuals in your immediate area, where you may make connections for potential future donations or volunteer opportunities, if you desire.
Senior-Citizen Support
A senior housing or assisted-living facility often has a number of senior citizens living in their own rooms, and some of the seniors may not have their own in-room TVs. Community rooms shared by seniors may also have need for a TV, especially if it is a large flat-screen model that can be mounted on a wall for many of them to enjoy at once. Ask the management at your local facilities if their centers can utilize a used TV, and any specific requirements are required to donate the device.
Specialty Shelters
Shelters designed to help women and their children in emergency situations often house people who had to leave their homes with little except the clothing on their backs. Residents of these shelters usually need basic household wares and a source of entertainment, such as a TV. Call your local women's or family shelters to find out if they accept TVs; depending on the shelter, you may be able to drop off the TV directly, or someone may arrange a pickup to keep the shelter location private. A shelter for runaway or transitional youth may also accept a donated TV, as this cuts down on the shelter's expenses for providing basic entertainment to residents. Be sure to ask before dropping off a donation, as some shelters may not welcome used electronics.
A Boost for a Furniture Bank
Some cities have a charity-based furniture bank that collects donated household goods and redistributes them for free to those in need, such as donations to former homeless folks in a new home or to those with extremely low incomes. In many cases, the furniture bank will pick up the TV at your home if you make an arrangement by phone or online. Call your local furniture bank or check its website first to ensure they accept electronics.
Charity Resale-Shop Solutions
If you're unable to find a specific local organization that resonates with you and accepts TVs, donate the TV to a local branch of a larger charity organization or faith-based local organization that has a resale thrift shop. These organizations sell donated items to benefit specific groups such as the disabled or the homeless. Call or check with the local shop first to ensure your TV meets their guidelines for acceptable donations; in some cases, a charity shop may reject TVs if they've received too many of them in various states of disrepair. Some do not accept electronic items at all.
Writer Bio
Kathy Adams is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer who traveled the world handling numerous duties for music artists. She writes travel and budgeting tips and destination guides for USA Today, Travelocity and ForRent, among others. She enjoys exploring foreign locales and hiking off the beaten path stateside, snapping pics of wildlife and nature instead of selfies.