Battered women's shelters help women and children who have been displaced by family violence. Family Violence Prevention Services is a battered women's shelter in San Antonio, Texas. This shelter not only provides housing for families, it offers counseling, on-site attorneys, on-site school for children, adult education, transitional housing, and medical and dental services. The organization accepts monetary donations and supplies throughout the year. It also accepts toys and gifts for children around the holidays.
Decide what you want to donate to the battered women's shelter. Family Violence Prevention Services accepts money and also has a wish list of other needed items.
Navigate to the Family Violence Prevention Services website ( Click on the "Get Involved" tab.
Choose one of the menu options. If you wish to donate supplies, click on the "Wish List" to see what's needed. Choose "Ways to Give" if you want to donate money.
Mail a check or make a donation through Paypal. The mailing address of the center is FVPS, 7911 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209.
Drop off needed supplies or holiday toys. The location is 2617 N. Main, San Antonio, Texas. Hours for drop off are Mondays 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center will also pick up larger items. Call (210) 733-3536 to arrange for pick-up.
Obtain your charitable contribution form. All donations are tax deductible.
Writer Bio
Ireland Wolfe has been writing professionally since 2009, contributing to Toonari Post, Africana Online and Winzer Insurance. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in psychology and Master of Arts in mental health counseling. She is also a licensed mental health counselor, registered nutritionist and yoga teacher.