Cameras. Lenses. Darkroom equipment. Accessories. If you have photography equipment that you no longer want to keep, you do not have to try to sell it to another photographer. In fact, you can donate the photography equipment to a charitable organization in your area. You can find both national and local organizations that will accept photography equipment donations. You may also be able to claim the donation on your taxes as a charitable donation.
Test your photography equipment to gauge its working condition. In order to donate your photography equipment, that equipment should be in good working condition.
Select a charity from the list at Charity Vault (see Resources), such as Goodwill, or donate to a photography-specific organization, such as PhotoVoice (see Resources).
Contact the charity you have chosen via their website, phone or using the contact details from Charity Vault. Let them know what you have to donate to make sure the equioment will be accepted.
Gather up your photography equipment and take or ship it to the donation center of the charity you selected. If you are mailing the donation and you need a receipt, just leave a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If donating in person, you can just ask for the receipt.
Writer Bio
Jamie Lisse has been writing professionally since 1997. She has published works with a number of online and print publishers. Her areas of expertise include finance and accounting, travel, entertainment, digital media and technology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English.