Many national charities accept men’s business clothing as donations. Some, such as the Goodwill and Salvation Army accept your gently-used men’s business wear to sell in their thrift stores. The money earned from the sales of donated business suits, and other donations, is used to create jobs for those in need by paying their salaries in thrift shops. Other charities, such as Career Gear, specialize in only business wear, which is then given to men in need of appropriate business attire for entering the workforce in an effort to regain control of their lives and get back on track.
Locate a charity in your city or town. Most national charities have donation drop off locations in every state (see Resources). Your city or town might have smaller charities that accept donations for local purposes. You can ask around your local newspaper or your government offices for this information.
Clean your business clothing thoroughly. Men cannot wear torn, ripped, damaged or dirty business clothing to work for any reason.
Value your donation using the Goodwill’s donation valuation guide (see Resources). This guide provides specific dollar amounts for all donations, including men’s business wear so you know exactly how much you can deduct for your donation on your federal income tax return.
Contact your charity for donation locations and hours. You’ll need to obtain a tax receipt when you drop off your donation to keep in your personal records for tax purposes. Drop off your men’s business clothing during business hours to receive a tax receipt.
Writer Bio
Tiffany Raiford has several years of experience writing freelance. Her writing focuses primarily on articles relating to parenting, pregnancy and travel. Raiford is a graduate of Saint Petersburg College in Florida.