How do I Pay Con Ed Bill Online With My Check for Free?

How do I Pay Con Ed Bill Online With My Check for Free?
••• check book image by Rob Hill from

Paying your Con Ed bill online and for free is a way to save time, money and eliminate the environmental impact of sending checks through the mail. As Con Ed points out, "According to a recent study, if one in five households paid their bills electronically, it would save 151 million pounds of paper, eliminate 8.6 million bags of household garbage, and prevent the production of two million tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year." Something to consider before mailing the next check.

Process to Pay Your Bill

Navigate to Con Ed's website (see Resources).

Click on the "Customer Central" tab.

Scroll down and click on the "ways to pay my bill" tab.

Scroll down and click on "use now" by the 'Pay by Internet' service option.

Type in your account number in the blue box and hit "Submit."

Complete the process, including entering routing and account number information from your checkbook and bank statement, the amount you would like to pay. The first nine numbers from the left at the bottom of your check make up your bank routing number. Then look at your bank statement to determine your account number. If for any reason you are unsure of either number, contact your bank to verify.

••• check book image by Rob Hill from