It is important that individuals know how to determine the size of a household for financial reasons. There are a series of processes that can be used in order to calculate the size of the household according to the number of members living at the location in addition to the total income that the family obtains over the course of a year. Determining the size of a household is important for tax purposes in addition to individuals applying for bankruptcy, federal assistance and low income housing. In order to receive certain assistance, the household size must be calculated correctly.
Log on to the internet in order to find programs and information about calculating the size of a household. All households are required to calculate their size and income level yearly for tax purposes. The Free Tax USA website explains that correctly calculating the household size can lead to tax exemptions or a better tax return.
Locate a program that will assist the individual in correctly calculating the household size. The Free Tax USA website explains that the household size is determined by the number of individuals who reside in the residence as well as the gross yearly income. It is important to note how many individuals are employed and over the age of 18 as well as how many dependents and minors live in the home.
Check what the specific state requirements are for receiving state or federal assistance. The Department of Human Resources website explains that the size of a household determines whether or not the individuals are eligible to receive food assistance benefits.
Insert all of the required information into the a special computer program in order to add up the gross income for the entire household. The AVVO website explains that software is also available to help individuals and households that need to file for bankruptcy. In order to file for bankruptcy, a household must be a single income home in order to meet federal requirements.
Use a program to also calculate the household size when applying for low income housing. The ARCH Housing website explains that an individual must calculate the household size, annual income and median income in order to determine if he qualifies for low income housing. A chart is provided that shows how to calculate the necessary income information.
The AVVO website explains that an individual should consult a law firm or lawyer in order to clarify the requirements for filing for bankruptcy if necessary. It is important that the household size is calculated correctly so that the members receive the correct deductions and assistance.
Writer Bio
Shannon Johnson has been a freelance writer since 2008, specializing in health and organic and green-living topics. She practiced law for five years before moving on to work in higher education. She writes about what she lives on a daily basis.