Many workplaces now offer flexible work schedules to their current employees in order to retain talent while accommodating life changes. For example, many women work less than a full schedule after they have children. In order to calculate the proper salary, you must convert your annual salary to reflect your current work schedule. This is a simple calculation that will be determined by figuring out the amount you make each day based on your annual salary.
Determine the amount of your gross annual salary. This is the amount you earn before taxes and other deductions are removed. For example, suppose your annual salary is $52,000.
Divide that number by 52 because there are 52 weeks in a year. If your annual salary is $52,000, you would make $1,000 per week.
Take that number and divide it by five because there are five days in a standard, full-time workweek. Once you have determined that number, you have determined your daily salary. To continue with our example, you would divide $1,000 by 5, so your daily salary would be $200.
To determine your salary for a four-day work week, multiply your daily salary by four and that is the gross salary for a four-day work week converted from your annual salary. In our example, you would multiply $200 by 4, and your four-day workweek salary would be $800 per week.
To annualize your four-day work week salary, you would multiply that weekly amount by 52. In our example, you would multiply $800 by 52, and your annual salary for a four-day workweek schedule would be $41,600.
You can use this method to determine other reduced workweeks as well. To do so, simply multiply your daily salary by the number of days you will be working.
It is important to remember that this figure is a gross figure and will not represent your take-home salary. This is the number from which taxes and other deductions, such as health care benefits, will be removed. Once those deductions are made, that number will be your take-home salary.
- You can use this method to determine other reduced workweeks as well. To do so, simply multiply your daily salary by the number of days you will be working.
- It is important to remember that this figure is a gross figure and will not represent your take-home salary. This is the number from which taxes and other deductions, such as health care benefits, will be removed. Once those deductions are made, that number will be your take-home salary.
Writer Bio
Kay Lee began freelance writing for Answerbag and eHow in 2010. She is an attorney in Washington, DC, practicing since 2006. Lee specializes in employee benefits and executive compensation. She holds a Juris Doctor from the Columbus School of Law and a Master of Laws from Georgetown University Law Center.