Visa has more than half the U.S. market share in credit card usage, making up 52 percent of all credit card purchases. For consumers that use Visa for spending, keeping track of their balances on an ongoing basis is essential. Luckily, today's consumers have access to that information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet. But monitoring your balance isn't the only benefit of online banking access. Being able to check your Visa account online enables you to identify and rectify any erroneous or fraudulent charges to your Visa account within days if not hours of the charges posting to your account.
In order to check your Visa credit card transactions online, you can log in to the website of your credit card issuer or contact the credit card company's service department directly.
Log in to Your Account
Locate the website address for your credit card issuer on your Visa statement or contact the credit card issuer's customer service department by dialing the toll-free number printed on the back of your card. If your credit card is through your bank, you'll likely find that account information is available alongside your checking and savings information. Ensure that you secure your username and password for your online account. Remember that credit card companies will not ask you for your password.
Go to the “account” or “my account” section and log in using your username and password. If this is your first time using the online service you will have to establish an account by creating a username and password. Ensure that you have your account information available. Some online accounts require an email verification to ensure authenticity. Be prepared to check your email to verify your account.
Monitoring Your Transaction
Access your account and click on “Transaction details” or “History of transactions.” Search and view transactions according to categories such as pending, complete, amount or date range. If you're looking for a specific transaction, you should be able to search by the name of the merchant. Report any discrepancies immediately to your credit card company. Change your password at least twice a year for added security.
Visa also allows qualifying cardholders to set up alerts to track every purchase being made. This can keep you updated at all times, which means you'll know right away if your card number becomes compromised. You can fine-tune these notifications so that you're only alerted if a purchase exceeds a certain amount, is made outside the U.S. or is made over the internet or by phone. You may be able to set this up through your financial institution or go to Visa's website to sign up.
- Forbes: Strong Growth In Volumes Boosts Visa's U.S. Credit Card Market Share To Over 52%
- Visa: Visa Purchase Alerts Three Steps to Enroll
- Bank of America. "Frequently Asked Questions." Accessed April 27, 2020.
- Experian. "What Is Credit Card Utilization Rate?" Accessed April 27, 2020.
- U.S. Bank. "Online Banking." Accessed April 27, 2020.
- Chase. "Sign In to Set Up Chase Account Alerts." Accessed April 27, 2020.
- Chase. "Chase Mobile Banking." Accessed April 27, 2020.
- Report any discrepancies immediately to your credit card company.
- Change your password at least twice a year for added security.
- Ensure that you secure your user name and password for your online account. Remember that credit card companies will not ask you for your password.
Writer Bio
Karen W. Fairley is a business writer based in Cary, N.C. She holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Toledo-College of Law and a dual bachelor’s degree in business administration and history from Lourdes University. Fairley loves historical fiction novels and is working on her own novel about women in the church.