One way to protect yourself from identity theft, and to make sure that you maintain a pristine credit rating, is by checking your credit card history and your credit card payments. By checking your history and your payments you will be able to look for any purchases or transactions that you did not authorize, as well as ensure that your prior payments have been applied. You can check your credit card information quickly and easily on the Internet.
Create an online banking account with your credit card company. Visit your credit card company's website and enroll your credit card. You must provide your credit card number and the ZIP code where you receive your statement. Once you have entered this information you will complete your personal account.
Click on the link to take you to your past statements. Your credit card company keeps prior statements on file as PDFs that are accessible through your online banking account. Depending on your credit card company's policy, it may provide six months to 18 months worth of statements online.
Call your credit card company and request copies that are not available online. If you require copies of your credit card statement that are not available online, you must call the company and request them. Depending on your credit card company's policies, there may be a fee associated with retrieving the statements.
Writer Bio
Hal Bartle has been writing professionally since 2009. He has been published on various websites. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Saint Joseph's University and a Juris Doctor from Duquesne University School of Law.