Hundreds of charities across the country focus on providing the care and resources that children with physical and learning disabilities and their families need. As part of achieving their mission, some charities provide grants to both organizations and individuals. Whether the money is needed for medical care or skills training, there are grants available to meet the needs of disabled children.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) supportive foundation provides grants that help meet their, “goal…to advance the education and general welfare of children and adults with learning disabilities.” Nonprofit and education organizations can apply for grants for scientific research, public education programs or to provide life training and skills services to the disabled and their families. An extensive application detailing the project, its objectives and budget, is required to be completed to apply for the grant. Once a grant is awarded the organization is required to provide follow-up progress reports on a regular basis.
Learning Disabilities Foundation of America 4156 Library Road Pittsburgh, PA 15234 (412) 563-1089 ldaamerica.org
Children’s Charity Fund
The Children’s Charity Fund’s primarily focuses on severely disable children that are house bound or otherwise unable to care for themselves. The organization grants medical equipment for disabled children if they have been denied coverage for necessary medical equipment by their insurance or Medicare coverage and show a financial need. The charity has a simple application that requires a prescription from a doctor, copies of tax forms and documentation of the denial from the family’s insurance or Medicare.
Children’s Charity Fund 6623 Superior Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231 (800) 643-5787 childrenscharityfund.org
United Healthcare Children’s Foundation
United Healthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCF) provides grants directly to individual families with disabled children whose private health care does not fully cover, or does not provide any coverage, for necessary treatments. To qualify for a grant children must 16 years of age or younger and “must be covered by a commercial health benefit plan.” UHCF’s grant application is available online. Required information for the grant application includes the child’s medical information and treatment as recommended by a doctor, family finances and documentation of the health insurance’s denial or limitations for coverage.
UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation MN012-S286 PO BOX 41 Minneapolis, MN 55440 (952) 992-4459 uhccf.org
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
The CVS Caremark Charitable Trust supports “charitable organizations that are making a difference in the lives of children with disabilities.” With this objective in mind, two main areas are the focus of their grant giving programs: those that provide play and movement opportunities and those that teach independent living skills. Nonprofit organizations providing such services to the disabled that are 21 years of age or younger can apply for a grant.
CVS Caremark One CVS Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 (401) 765-1500 cvscaremark.com
Writer Bio
Lynn Anders has more than 15 years of professional experience working as a zookeeper, wildlife/environmental/conservation educator and in nonprofit pet rescue. Writing since 2007, her work has appeared on various websites, covering pet-related, environmental, financial and parenting topics. Anders has a Bachelor of Arts in environmental studies and biology from California State University, Sacramento.