Getting cash out of your Food Stamp Program card is like using a debit card. You can ask for cash back when making a purchase at participating cash-over grocery stores, gas stations and retailers. You can also directly withdraw cash from your Food Stamp Program card at many automatic teller machines, or ATMs. However, before cashing out, ensure you're enrolled in the state's cash assistance or supplemental nutrition assistance programs. If you are unsure where to check, contact your local welfare benefits office that issued your card.
You can withdraw cash from your government Food Stamp Program by using the debit card provided to you. This debit card can be used with the majority of ATMs in operation today.
Evaluating The EBT Card
Food stamps are no longer issued in the United States. Most states use a debit-card system known as "Electronic Benefit Transfer," or EBT. Most states have retained the Food Stamp Program name for their electronic food assistance benefits. Not all individuals qualify for cash assistance, though, even if you already qualify for food assistance. If you have an EBT card and you qualify for cash assistance, you can use it as you would a debit card, which also means asking for cash back at participating stores. You can find an EBT location using sites like EBT Near Me.
Cashing Out at the Store
You've likely shopped at stores where you were asked if you would like to take any cash out on the debit card you used. Only some retailers offer this perk. Walgreens is one, but only some Walgreens locations accept EBT as payment. Before you visit a store, check to make sure it both accepts EBT and offers cash back on your purchases.
Once you've found a location that allows it, make a regular purchase at the store. Swipe your Food Stamp Program card at the cash register, then enter your secret PIN. Select "Cash" on the credit/debit card kiosk. Then enter the amount of cash you want. Alternatively, the cashier can -- or may be required -- to enter the cash amount for you. Receive your cash from the cashier.
Cashing Out at the ATM
You can also use your EBT card at participating ATM locations to retrieve cash. Cash limits vary from one location to the next and you will incur a fee, but this can be a convenient way to get cash out.
Once you've arrived at a participating ATM, insert or swipe your Food Stamp Program card. Type your secret PIN to access your funds. Select the "Withdrawal" or "Withdraw" option. Press the "Checking" button, then enter the dollar value. Remove the cash from the machine and take the receipt for your transaction.
- Food stamps are no longer issued in the United States; most states use a debit-card system known as "Electronic Benefit Transfer" (EBT).
- Most states have retained the Food Stamp Program name for their electronic food assistance benefits.
- Not all individuals qualify for cash assistance, even if you already qualify for food assistance.
Writer Bio
John Mitchell is an expert in all things technology, including social media and smart phones. He is a news ninja for Qwiki, bringing the latest news on the interactive platform. Mitchell graduated from the University of Sedona with a master's degree in pastoral counseling psychology and authored the book, "No More Taxes."