Multiple checking accounts will require multiple checkbooks to properly keep track of all your expenses. However, if you've got three or even four checkbooks to worry about this can become overwhelming. There are a few different things you can do to help make sense of your finances and keep your multiple checkbooks as up-to-date and accurate as possible.
Use a marker to write on the front of each checkbook the name of the account the checkbook represents. For example, if you have three different checkbooks that each are associated with a different bank, write the name of the bank on the front of the checkbook. This will help you quickly differentiate between each book, especially if all books look similar.
Keep your receipts with the checkbook you used to pay for an item. For example, instead of trying to balance your checkbook in the line at a supermarket, take your supermarket receipt and place it inside the checkbook you used to pay for groceries. When you get home use that receipt to balance your checkbook at your convenience.
Use an electronic checkbook to keep track of all accounts from one screen. Electronic checkbooks exist for smartphones like the Blackberry and even portable devices like the iPod Touch that allow you to set up multiple accounts and manage them from your device. This saves you from needing to carry around physical checkbooks with you everywhere you go. These electronic checkbooks will also automatically adjust your balance for each account based on the amount of money you debit or credit the account.
Writer Bio
Stephen Lilley is a freelance writer who hopes to one day make a career writing for film and television. His articles have appeared on a variety of websites. Lilley holds a Bachelor of Arts in film and video production from the University of Toledo in Ohio.