The world's financial system is more interconnected than ever before, resulting in one global economy. Investors the world over can take advantage of this by buying stock not only in their countries of residence, but, quite frankly, worldwide. Online brokerage companies have made this possible. Anyone with an Internet connection can invest in the stock market, both domestically and overseas, including by buying into Swedish stock market indices. The Swedish stock exchange, formerly called the Stockholm Stock Exchange, is now OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB, held by the Nordic division of NASDAQ OMX.
Decide how much you want to invest. Remember that risks are involved. It is important to take the long-term view, understanding that your investment may be tied up for some time.
Research the Swedish stock indices and decide on which Stockholm Stock Exchange index you want to invest in. They include OMX Nordic Mid Cap, OMX Stockholm 30 (OMXS30), OMX Stockholm PI (OMXSPI) and Stockholm Stock Exchange Index SX-16.
Pick an appropriate online brokerage that complements your investment style. There are a variety of online brokerage firms that offer online trading for a nominal fee. Most charge a monthly fee and an additional amount ranging between $3 to $20 for individual trades. Some allow you to make monthly investments automatically for a specified number of trades for a fixed monthly fee. There are also companies such as Neonet that specialize in trading in the Swedish and U.S. markets as well as other major markets of the world.
Open a brokerage account that allows you to buy Swedish indices directly. Some online brokerages may require you to submit an application to buy foreign stocks. Euro Pacific allows you to trade in foreign stocks directly. Find a link to Euro Pacific in the "Resources" section.
Link your brokerage account to your checking account, transfer the necessary funds and start investing.
Writer Bio
Faith O has covered politics and general news in Washington DC, Chicago and Maryland. Her writing has appeared in the Associated Press, Prince George's Sentinel, Northwest Indiana Times, Chicago Defender and Daily Southtown, among others. She has a Masters of Journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School and a Bachelor's degree from Hampshire College in Amherst.