The state of Missouri might be best known for the cities on either side: St. Louis to the east and Kansas City to the west. The country-music mecca of Branson is in the southern part of the state, and several wineries dot the center of the state. Much of the area is rural. The southern part of the state is dominated by the Ozark Mountains. The central and northern parts are more suited to farming.
Peruse the database of farms and land for sale at Lands of Missouri. They focus exclusively on land for sale throughout the state.
Visit, phone or check the website of Baker Realty in Willow Springs, Missouri, for rural property in the mountains. The company specializes in land and residential properties in the Ozark Mountains.
Search for land in the southwestern part of the state at Farm Homes Realty in Houston, Missouri. Fill out the form on their website and they'll send you customized listings of farm, hunting and cattle property.
Check the MLS at Realtor.com's website. Enter the areas you want to search, your price range, number of acres and the type of land you're interested in buying. The site will return a listing of all the properties from all the realtors that meet your criteria.
Read the for-sale listings at Craigslist locations that are near rural areas. Try Columbia, Springfield and Southeast Missouri listings.
Write or call the Chamber of Commerce and tourist bureaus in towns you're interested in buying rural land near. Frequently, they will mail you a package of information that includes real estate listings.
Look for property in the northern part of the state at Prudential/Summers in St. Joseph. Use the listings search for farms and vacant land.
Check newspapers' online classified ads if you're not in Missouri.
- Check newspapers' online classified ads if you're not in Missouri.
Writer Bio
Meg Jernigan has been writing for more than 30 years. She specializes in travel, cooking and interior decorating. Her offline credits include copy editing full-length books and creating marketing copy for nonprofit organizations. Jernigan attended George Washington University, majoring in speech and drama.