Transitional housing typically describes a community project or program that provides temporary housing and support services for homeless people until they can find permanent solutions. Recipients are offered support with substance abuse, employment services, child care and in other areas that can help get them back on their feet. Many people who use transitional housing are women escaping situations of domestic violence. Transitional housing offers multiple benefits to society and the people who use it.
Reduced Crime
Since many people who use transitional housing are victims of domestic violence, simply getting them out of their situations will reduce crime rates. It will also take ex-convicts and other homeless people who may have felt forced to commit crimes to survive off the street and give them some sense of hope that things can be different.
Disease Prevention
For many homeless people, living on the street does not provide the sanitary conditions necessary for optimum health. In transitional housing, residents have access to clean water for bathing and oral hygiene, as well as support services on how to avoid STDs and drug-related diseases.
Substance Abuse
Most transitional housing programs offer substance abuse support. Substance abuse is an area of concern for many homeless people, and having access to effective support measures can help them get sober and stay that way. Many programs will also follow-up once the recipient has moved into permanent housing.
Employment Assistance
Since the goal of transitional housing is for recipients to eventually move into their own permanent homes, it is important to help them with finding suitable jobs. Assistance with resume writing, interview techniques and job search can help find jobs that will last.
Self Esteem
Transitional housing benefits the self esteem of the people who use it by giving them ways out of their situations and a sense of purpose about the future. Many people who wind up in transitional housing come from hopeless situations and are given a chance to make more of their lives. The skills and knowledge they gain from being in the program can give them a sense of hope as they move forward.
Writer Bio
Vanessa Ryan has over 15 years of both online and offline writing experience. She has worked as a copywriter for a busy ad agency since 2006 and has written numerous online articles, blogs, advertisements, websites, sales letters and news releases. Ryan graduated from Ryerson University with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism in 1995.