How do I Take Florida Tax Classes?

Tax-preparation schools in Florida teach you how to prepare both federal and state tax returns for individuals or businesses. Basic certificate programs are geared toward the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) test required for tax preparers. Although Florida does not require a certification for tax preparers, anyone who prepares federal tax returns for compensation will be subject in 2011 to IRS registration, testing, and continuing education.

Locate a tax preparation school in Florida. For instance, Nova Southeastern University located at 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL, and St. Thomas University in Miami Gardens located at 16401 NW 37th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, offer tax classes with certification. Also, online classes are offered by Kaplan University, Strayer University and Argosy University (see Resources.)

Enroll in the tax certification class of your choice. Make sure the class provides training for Florida state income taxes. Pay the fees associated with the class. Generally, taking courses online saves you time and money, since you do not have to travel to class and can set your own schedule. The cost of tax certification in Florida ranges from $175 to $500 depending on the method and location you choose. Therefore, compare prices before registering for a course.

Visit the campus for tax classes or sign in to your online classes. Purchase the textbooks required to learn about federal and Florida state taxes. Florida tax classes include Personal and Business Income Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Tax Accounting Systems. These are the basic courses associated with tax certification and offered by each program that prepares you for completing income taxes.

Complete the certification courses by going to class or logging on to your online course as required by the program. Use the tax software provided by the program to enter information and learn how to complete tax returns. Generally, Florida tax courses last between six and eight weeks, depending on the location and type of certification.

Receive your certificate from the Florida state tax department. This certificate allows you to enroll for the IRS preparer testing.