A loan processor certification is a way to start in the loan profession or prove your credentials if you already are an experienced loan processor. As a loan processor, you will be able to work in a comfortable banking atmosphere or even have the flexibility of working from home. Proving that you have attained these credentials will help you attain that first job, keep the job you have or obtain a promotion. As with all certifications, this certification through the National Association of Mortgage Processors (NAMP) will help you stand out from the crowd.
Steps to Becoming a Certified Loan Processor
Study the NAMP website, mortgageprocessor.org. By studying the NAMP website you can familiarize yourself with the wide array of benefits the organization offers. Once you are a member you will be able to take advantage of training, resources and assistance with job openings.
Choose the certification that fits your qualifications. The NAMP offers three certifications, which are differentiated by the candidate’s level of experience. The Certified Purple Processor (CPP) is for those just starting in the loan processor profession. The Certified Master Loan Processor (CMLP) is for people with at least 5 years of experience in loan processing. For those with at least 15 years of experience, the Certified Ambassador Loan Processor (CALP) is the highest certification.
Register for your certification. You can register for the certification of your choice through the website. During the registration process, you will be able to join NAMP (if you are not already a member). Membership is required for all three certifications.
Fulfill the certification requirements. Once you have paid for your certification, which as of March 2009 cost between $100 and $250, you will be able to download the forms needed to certify that you have met all requirements. You will be asked to pass a criminal background check, prove any required experience (if needed), agree to the NAMP code of conduct and ethical standards and agree to meet continuing education requirements to maintain your certification. You will be asked to fax the forms to NAMP. Once your requirements have been approved, your certification will be awarded.
Writer Bio
Marie W received her Bachelor of Science in management and a Master of Business Administration from The University of Maryland, and a master's certificate in project management from Stevens Institute of Technology. The majority of her career has been spent as an IT project manager. She has enjoyed sharing her experiences helping others through freelance writing and her websites for the past 10 years.