Benefits for disabled people in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan are administered by the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program. This program provides income, in-kind and insurance benefits on the basis of need to disabled people in Saskatchewan. If you are already enrolled in the Saskatchewan Assistance Program (SAP) as a disabled person, you will receive an invitation to enroll. Otherwise you must meet the criteria for the program and contact an enrollment office for an assessment.
Assess whether you fit the criteria for enrollment in the disability support program. It is open to people who are at least 18 years old. Recipients can be assessed at a disability level of 2 or greater and can live at home or in a residential care facility. People living in a mental health group home or community living division home are also eligible.
Contact an enrollment office. If you are not already using the SAP, call the disability enrollment office at 888-567-7243, or 798-7243 in Regina. Talk-to-text lines are also available at 866-995-0099, or 787-1065 in Regina. If you are enrolled in SAP, talk to your case officer about being enrolled in the disability program.
Fill in and sign the forms in the SAID enrollment package. The enrollment package will be provided to you after you contact an enrollment office to check your eligibility. If you cannot sign the form, it may be signed by an authorized public guardian or trustee, or by a family member, on your behalf. If you have already been invited to join the disability program, these forms will have been mailed to you.
Contact your local social services office to appeal if your application for disability benefits is denied. If you are ruled ineligible for the disability program, you may still qualify for regular welfare under SAP. The social services officer can provide the necessary application forms.
As of November 2010, the base benefit levels for the SAID program range from $893 to $2,061 per month, with some other allowances available on the basis of need.
Writer Bio
Joshua Smyth started writing in 2003 and is based in St. John's, Newfoundland. He has written for the award-winning "Cord Weekly" and for "Blueprint Magazine" in Waterloo, Ontario, where he spent a year as editor-in-chief. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science and economics from Wilfrid Laurier University.