If you haven't logged in to your Datek investing account in a few years, you may be a bit dismayed to find that Datek is no longer there. The online stock trading firm was acquired by TD Ameritrade in 2002. But despair not, you can still access your account through Datek's new owners.
Visit the website of TD Ameritrade at tdameritrade.com. Enter your Datek username and password in the Ameritrade log-in boxes. Click the "Log On" button.
Call a TD Ameritrade representative at 800-669-3900 if your Datek log in does not work. The representative will be able to assist you with logging in.
Email TD Ameritrade if you prefer that to a phone call. Click the "Contact Us" link in the upper right corner and then click on the link for "General New Accounts Questions" to open a box where you can submit an email. Include your Datek account details, and ask for assistance in accessing your account.
Writer Bio
David Sarokin is a well-known specialist on Internet research. He has been profiled in the "New York Times," the "Washington Post" and in numerous online publications. Based in Washington D.C., he splits his time between several research services, writing content and his work as an environmental specialist with the federal government. David is the author of Missed Information (MIT Press, 2016), a book exploring how better information can lead to a more sustainable future.