The Best Way to Transfer Property in Georgia

Transferring property in Georgia will require some type of transfer deed, but the type of transfer deed will depend on your situation. The two most common and quickest deeds used are the Warranty Deed and the Quitclaim Deed. Once you determine which deed best fits your situation, you will need an attorney to draw up the deed. You will then need to have the deed notarized, and signed by all parties involved in the property transfer.

Determine which transfer deed is best for your situation. If you are looking to sell the property, buyers will prefer—and often demand—a General Warranty Deed. The General Warranty Deed will certify the title to the property is good and marketable without restrictions. On the other hand, if you want to transfer the property to a spouse or a child, or for any non-sales transaction, you will need to use a Quitclaim Deed. This deed will transfer the property to the other party without any guarantees related to the title or the property.

Speak with your attorney and have him draw up the deed most suitable to your situation. You attorney will review the transaction, affirm any tax consequences or other issues related to the transfer of the property, and then draw up the deed using the correct legal terminology.

Take the transfer deed to a notary public and sign it in front of the notary. The notary will then stamp the transfer deed to make it valid. For a Warranty Deed, all parties must sign the deed; however, for the Quitclaim Deed only the grantor (one transferring the property) will need to sign. According to Jessica Bennet, Financial Writer for Mortgage Fit, the state of Georgia also requires you to have a witness present at the time, such as your attorney, to sign the deed with you.

Present the transfer deed to the guarantee (the party receiving property) to complete the transaction.