How to Present Motions at HOA Meetings

How to Present Motions at HOA Meetings
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Homeowners associations, more commonly referred to as HOA’s, manage property details and enforce neighborhood standards. Every year, homeowners in different neighborhoods contribute financial dues to the local HOA. In return, the HOA manages things like lawn care or enforcement of standards that would detract from property value, or HOA endorses neighborhood beautification projects in shared community areas like playgrounds and neighborhood pools. Typically, the HOA is run either by a property management firm or by local homeowners. Every owner who pays regular dues to the HOA is automatically a member of the HOA and has the right to present a proposal at a meeting.

Consult the HOA bylaws concerning the procedure to make a motion at a meeting. Some HOA's demand that all motions for new business presented to the HOA be in writing and formal in nature. Other HOA’s are not as strict about motion requirements, allowing members to present motions at the end of meetings.

Contact the local HOA board for your area to inquire about the next meeting time. The contact information for your HOA is on your bill. HOA’s are all different in this regard; they bill monthly, quarterly or annually. Be sure to keep records of the contact information for your HOA.

Practice the presentation of your proposal with friends and family. If you have written your motion, read it aloud to get feedback. The more professional your presentation, the easier it will be to present either in written form or when speaking to the HOA board.

Attend the meeting and submit your motion as outlined by the HOA bylaws. Once you present your proposal, the board will vote on the issue; the motion will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Consult with the secretary of the HOA for details on the recorded motion and vote. Depending on the motion, another vote may be required at the following meeting, which you should also attend.


  • If you do not have a copy of the bylaws for your HOA, contact the group and request a copy.