An actuarial adjustment is a factor used to adjust your pension payments from a retirement plan if you decide to begin receiving your payments before or after the plan's normal retirement date.
When you belong to a pension plan, calculations are made constantly to ensure that the plan is sufficiently funded. Payments into the plan and interest forecasts are important factors, along with retirement benefits paid out. If you decide to retire early and start receiving benefits, an actuarial adjustment must be made to reflect the fact that you are expected to receive benefits for a longer period.
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) provides a pension to all Canadians who contributed during their lifetime through mandatory payroll deduction. The standard retirement age is 65, but a participant can retire as early as age 60. For every month that the participant retires prior to 65, his CPP monthly pension is reduced by 0.5 percent. Therefore a participant retiring at age 62, or 36 months before age 65, will have his pension reduced by 18 percent (0.5 percent times 36).
Upward Adjustments
Some pension plans adjust your benefit upward if you retire after the normal retirement date. The CPP actuarial adjustment increases your pension by 0.5 percent for every month you retire after age 65, with a cap at age 70. Retiring at age 70 therefore would provide a 30 percent increase to a CPP participant's pension amount.
- Financial Dictionary: Actuarial Adjustment
- U.S. Department of Labor. "Types of Retirement Plans." Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Department of Labor. "What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan," Page 4. Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Department of Labor. "FAQs about Retirement Plans and ERISA," Page 4. Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Topic No. 410 Pensions and Annuities." Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 575 (2019): Pension and Annuity Income," Page 6. Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Department of Labor. "What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan," Page 6. July 25, 2020.
- Department of Labor. "FAQs about Retirement Plans and ERISA," Page 12. Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. "Your Guaranteed Pension: Single-Employer Plans." Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Social Security Administration. "The Disappearing Defined Benefit Pension and Its Potential Impact on the Retirement Incomes of Baby Boomers." Accessed July 25, 2020.
- Department of the Treasury. "Treasury Issues Final Rules Regarding Longevity Annuities." Accessed July 25, 2020.
- IRS. "IRA Deduction Limits." Accessed July 25, 2020.
Writer Bio
Philippe Lanctot started writing for business trade publications in 1990. He has contributed copy for the "Canadian Insurance Journal" and has been the co-author of text for life insurance company marketing guides. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the University of Montreal with a minor in English.