A civic number is the number that the municipal government within a Canadian province assigns to your house, according to the Region of Queens Municipality. Emergency services personnel--such as firemen, policemen or rescue-squad workers--use the civic number to locate your house in the event of an emergency. Utility providers also use the civic number to locate your house for cable, telephone or Internet service. The number of digits in a civic number varies, based on the size of the province, number of parcels of property and size of the community in which the parcel lies.
Call your local government's municipal office to find your civic number. Service Nova Scotia, the provincial government's online services page, notes that all municipal offices can help you find your civic number. The staff in the planning office usually is the best source for civic numbers, as the planning office manages the numbering system.
Contact the Emergency Measures Organization in your province to find your civic number. Emergency Measures Organizations oversee emergency services, such as fire, police and rescue squads, for the provinces in Canada. Because they need to be able to locate houses when residents call in emergencies, Emergency Measures Organizations have directories and maps of civic numbers within each province and can help you find yours.
Check home-ownership papers for your civic number. Although municipal authorities are superior sources for finding your civic number, you also can check documents such as your title deed, mortgage paperwork or any information provided to you by the real estate agent you used when you purchased your home.
Writer Bio
Matt Browning has been writing about health, science, food and travel since 1990. His career has spanned advocacy, medical communications and public relations and his stories have won awards from the Virginia Press Association. Browning earned a Bachelor of Arts in English language and literature from the University of Virginia.