Job retraining grants are designed to help individuals who have recently experienced a job loss or loss of income change careers. Job retraining grants can also be used for individuals who are having trouble finding adequate employment in their field or are unable to be gainfully employed in their current vocation because of a disability or health condition. Job retraining grants can come from a variety of sources, including the government or employers.
Adults seeking grant funding to change careers should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Most grant applications, both private and government funded, will ask for your registered number for your FAFSA application. This is not only a way that they can make sure you are using all the funds possible from other sources, but it is also a great way to check your information you gave them. Provide accurate information when filling out the FAFSA form.
Grant seekers trying to find money to pay for training after a job loss or income loss should contact the Department of Labor office in their community. The Department of Labor operates One-Stop Career Centers nationwide that help individuals get training and find employment. Depending on what is available in the area, they may offer paid, on-the-job training in some fields, grants to pay for technical programs, and on-site career planning.
If the individual seeking a career change is currently employed, he should check with his employer to find if they help pay for training. Under Internal Revenue Code section 127, companies can give their employees $5,250 in tax-free dollars to pay tuition. The training does not have to be related to your current vocation to receive such benefits.
If you are seeking a grant for a career change because of a disability or health-related issue, contact your local Vocational Rehabilitation Center. The vocational center helps individuals train and find employment suitable for their abilities. The program helps with vocational training as well as four-year degrees if the applicant qualifies. Applicants must go through a evaluation to determine if the chosen new career path is congruent with their abilities and current situation.
Re-training grants are subject to availability of funding.
- Re-training grants are subject to availability of funding.
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