Real estate agents are trained to understand the laws related to property ownership, so homeowners often rely on them during the process of buying or selling a home or other land or buildings. However, licensed realtors and other real estate agents are not the owners of the properties and therefore legally need permission in many cases to act as a middleman for the property owner or buyer.
Subsequently, homeowners sometimes need to provide real estate agents with letters that authorize the agent to act on their behalf. Without these letters, the agent might not be able to complete the real estate transaction.
Start With Your Personal Information
Type your full name and contact information, including your email address, left justified with one information item per line. Skip two lines. Type the full name and contact information for the recipient and double return.
Add the Realtor's Information
Type "RE: Realtor permission." Skip two lines again and type "DATE:", followed by the current date. Double return and write your opening salutation, such as "Dear Ms. Johnson," followed by a colon. Call the agency needing permission and ask for the name of the person to whom the letter should be addressed formally if you do not already know it; do not use "To Whom It May Concern" if you can avoid it.
State Your Intention
Skip two lines and begin typing your first paragraph. Start with something such as "I am writing this letter to give permission to [name of authorized agent] to act on my behalf for the following real estate-related tasks:" and skip at least two lines.
Detail the Permissions
List the specific tasks for which you are authorizing the Realtor or real estate agent, using bullet points or numbers to separate each item visually. Examples of tasks include reviewing bids from prospective buyers and getting information from the lender who will provide your mortgage loan. Go into as much detail as necessary to make the scope or specific limitations of the tasks clear. Give details such as dates, related organizations and the purpose of the tasks.
Include Final Remarks
Skip two lines to start another paragraph. Explain how the recipient can contact you with questions and concerns and express your thanks for the recipient taking time to read the correspondence.
Create a Closing
Double return and write your closing, such as "Sincerely," followed by a comma. Skip at least four lines and type your full name. Skip another two lines and write "Enclosures:" followed either by the number of items enclosed in parentheses or a list of each enclosed item. Skip the "Enclosures" notation if you are not sending anything with your letter.
Finish With a Signature
Sign your letter, make a copy for your records and send it to the recipient.
A specific type of permission letter often used in real estate is used with short sales. This letter gives the real estate agent permission to talk with the homeowner's lender. It contains information you might not need to include in other real estate authorization letters, including the homeowner's name, address, Social Security Number, loan number, the date, the lender's name and, if the letter is constructed by another authorized agent, the agent's name and address.
- A specific type of permission letter often used in real estate is used with short sales. This letter gives the real estate agent permission to talk with the homeowner's lender. It contains information you might not need to include in other real estate authorization letters, including the homeowner's name, address, Social Security Number, loan number, the date, the lender's name and, if the letter is constructed by another authorized agent, the agent's name and address.
Writer Bio
Wanda Thibodeaux is a freelance writer and editor based in Eagan, Minn. She has been published in both print and Web publications and has written on everything from fly fishing to parenting. She currently works through her business website, Takingdictation.com, which functions globally and welcomes new clients.