How to Change the Owner Name on Your Real Property

How to Change the Owner Name on Your Real Property
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Property owners have plenty of reasons to want to change the name on a deed. Whether from a clerical error by the parties or a simple name change, changing the legal name on a piece of property is simple and straightforward. All you need is a properly executed deed that conveys ownership from one owner to the next or from the old owner's name to the owner's new name.


Draft a deed that conveys ownership of the property to the grantee. If the property currently has more than one owner, every owner should sign the deed conveying the property to the new owners. If the owners of the property are to remain the same but one or more of the names on the deed need to be changed, a simple quitclaim deed conveying the property from the former name, as grantors, to the new name, as grantees, is all that is required.

Sign the new deed. The particular parties that must sign a deed vary by county. In some counties a witness and Notary may be required to sign the deed. In the case of a name change, the Notary may require proof of your former name. Bringing the legal documents showing your name change or a name affidavit should satisfy the Notary's identification requirements.

Register and record your deed with the county government. Recording your deed gives general notice to the public that the name on your deed has been changed. The deed should be recorded whether the actual owners of the property change during the transaction or if the current owners are simply changing their names on the deed.


  • Be prepared to pay any transfer or recording taxes when you file your deed with the county.