How to Add Names to a Property Deed

How to Add Names to a Property Deed
••• house image by hans slegers from <a href=''></a>

Adding names to a property deed can be achieved by completing and submitting a quit claim deed. A quit claim deed legally transfers the ownership of property to another individual. The person who is giving away the property is called the grantor, and the individual who is accepting the property is called the grantee. The grantor may remain on the property deed, but the terms of ownership, warranties and liens on the property are not guaranteed or defined on a quit claim deed.

Hire an attorney to prepare a quit claim deed. Complete the form and have both the grantor and grantee sign it. Download a free quit claim deed at if you do not want to hire a layer. Register with the website and create a free quit claim deed.

Take the completed quit claim deed to a notary public. Have the grantor and grantee sign the quit claim deed in front of the notary. Provide personal picture identification and the original property deed for the notary public to examine.

Ask a witness to sign the quit deed claim if your state requires you to do so. According to, a few states, including Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina and Vermont, require the deed to be signed by witnesses other than the notary public to make the quit claim valid.

Send the deed to the land records office in the county where your property is. As states, this government office is often called a County Recorder&#039;s Office, a County Clerk&#039;s Office, a Register of Deeds, or a Land Registry Office depending upon the state where you own the property. The land records office will legally and officially record the quit claim deed.


  • The words transferor and transferee are often used in place of grantor and grantee on legal forms. The two sets of words have the same meaning.


  • Avoid using a quit claim deed if the grantee is not a spouse or family member. Transferring property titles to friends is not a recommended practice.